
Our Democratic Candidates for Volusia County

Josh Weil

Josh Weil for Congress

Joshua Weil is running for Congress in Florida’s Sixth Congressional District. Josh is a public educator and a single dad of two boys. He has worked in Orange County Public Schools at their Alternative Education Centers, and since 2018, with the School District of Osceola County as a secondary math and science teacher, an instructional coach, a dean of students, and an MTSS Coordinator. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Stony Brook University, a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Northwood University, a Master of Arts in Teaching from the University of Central Florida, and completed his post-grad work in Educational Leadership at Stetson University.

Josh is a proud progressive, and sits on the Executive Board of Progressives for Democracy in America’s Florida Chapter, a statewide organization dedicated to the cause of universal healthcare in the United States, and supporting candidates across Florida seeking to run for office at all levels of government, who are willing to openly support Medicare For All and refuse to accept corporate campaign contributions. To learn more about Josh and his priorities, visit

Special Election for Congressional District 6

April 1, 2025 there will be a Special Election to replace Michael Waltz

Days until Election








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